为什么 HCHC?

关于 希腊的大学

All colleges promise a good education. Very few promise not only to educate but to elevate the whole person. 最佳亚洲体育博彩平台是少有的具有更高目标的高等学府:培养每一个学生的道德、精神和智力发展. 它提供了任何其他学院或大学无法比拟的机会,在一个真正的东正教社区的背景下,这种多维发展.

最佳亚洲体育博彩平台的文科课程和专业前研究激发了学生的思想,同时为他们为社会和教会服务的职业做好准备. 无论是在教育方面, 人类服务, 业务, 法律, 或部门, 我们的毕业生体现了他们的信仰,并通过他们的其他导向的职业丰富了我们的世界.

关于 圣十字

圣十字希腊东正教神学院是一所神学研究生院,教育和培养东正教男女基督徒为教会和社会服务. 无论是准备担任圣职,还是准备从事平信徒的圣召,他们都可以将自己的信仰付诸行动, 圣十字的学生组成了一个充满活力的社区,致力于追求基督救恩信息的永恒真理. 他们学习圣经, 父亲, 教会历史, 道德, and every other aspect of our ancient faith. 他们的日常生活以与整个HCHC家庭在圣十字教堂的崇拜为中心,并无限丰富, 我们校园的中心. They grow individually and together, intellectually and spiritually, 永远铭记他们在圣十字接受的高等教育本身并不是目的,而是生命的开始,正如基督所吩咐的那样:带着信心生活, 与目的, and with love for all mankind.

我们的 团队


2017财年至2020财年,学生保留率在60%(2019财年)至100%(2018财年)之间。. The average retention rate for 2017-2020 is 74.5%.

最佳亚洲体育博彩平台学士学位学生的毕业率从2017财年的45%逐步上升到2019财年的69%. The undergraduate graduation rate in 2020 was 62% within 150% of normal time. (2021年6月4日更新)

A 短暂的历史 OF


The mission of 最佳亚洲体育博彩平台公司., 人的形成和教育是在东正教社区的生活中吗. 为此目的, 它教育人们为希腊东正教大主教管区和其他东正教基督教实体的神圣祭司做准备, as well as men and women for leadership roles in the Church, 选择职业, 和社会. 最佳亚洲体育博彩平台公司., collaborates with Orthodox Church‐affiliated institutions and ministries, and offers opportunities for lifelong learning.


成为知识分子, educational and spiritual formation center of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, 刺激, 发展中, and sustaining ordained and lay vocations for service to Church 和社会, 基于信仰.


The institution was founded in 1937 in Pomfret, 康涅狄格, 由大主教(后来的普世牧首)Athenagoras和主教(后来的大主教)Athenagoras Cavadas, 谁是第一任院长. Known first as The Greek Archdiocese Institute, the 神学院 soon became known as 圣十字, the name it carries to this day. The program of study expanded from two years to five in 1939. The first class graduated in 1942.

In 1947 the school moved to its present location in Brookline, 麻萨诸塞州, 就在波士顿城外, 使学生和教师能够充分利用“美国雅典”丰富的教育和文化机会.“在接下来的二十年里, the five-year program expanded further, first to six years and then to seven, to include a collegiate/pre-theology course of study.

As the first step to achieving full accreditation, the school incorporated in 1968 as 最佳亚洲体育博彩平台公司., with a four-year undergraduate school, 希腊的大学, and a graduate school of theology, 圣十字 Greek Orthodox School of Theology. 希腊的大学 received its first accreditation in 1970, with full ten-year accreditation for the entire institution granted in 1978. 1971 saw the first graduation of a female student from 希腊的大学. The first female to graduate from 圣十字 did so in 1976.

圣十字成立的时候, all of the students were young Greek or Greek-American men preparing for the priesthood. 今天,两所学校都欢迎来自世界各地希望在东正教环境中接受教育的男女学生. 最佳亚洲体育博彩平台圣十字 is the only fully accredited Orthodox Christian college, 神学院, and graduate school of theology in the Western Hemisphere.


东正教, also referred to as the Eastern Orthodox Church, 就是那一位, 神圣的, 天主教, and Apostolic Church established by Jesus Christ in The Great Commission. The Orthodox Christian Faith, 它的传统, and its ordained clergy can be traced in direct, unbroken succession from the Apostles. 东正教徒相信并崇拜圣父、圣子和圣灵三位一体. 他们承认耶稣基督是神的儿子,出生,钉十字架,死亡,和复活 尼西亚信经是我们信仰的象征. 他是弥赛亚, the perfect and complete fulfillment of Old Testament scripture and prophecy, the One who has come and is coming again in glory.

了解更多关于东正教的信仰,购买书籍和宗教用品, 请访问 圣十字书店.

请访问 圣十字教堂 for an updated schedule of worship services. We would love to welcome you!

最佳亚洲体育博彩平台 & 更新

HCHC Announces the Appointment of Dr. Nicholas Ganson as Interim Dean of 希腊的大学

HCHC is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Nicholas Ganson as Interim Dean of 希腊的大学, effective July 1, 2024. Dr. 甘森是一位受人尊敬的学者,也是最佳亚洲体育博彩平台社区的一员...


From New Rome to Ancient Rome – St. 海伦的朝圣2024

Under the leadership of the Dean of 圣十字, Fr. 尤金J. Pentiuc, and with the participation of Fr. Philip Zymaris和Fr. Bartholomew Mercado, the faculty and students participating in St. 《博彩平台》完成...



5月15日星期三, 2024 at 12 pm at the 马里奥蒂斯文化中心’s East Wing, 最佳亚洲体育博彩平台举办了第一届年度表彰午宴,表彰2024届毕业生的学术成就. 博彩平台...


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